Established in 1978
Nature Source Fossil Company was established in 1978. We offer fossils and minerals from around the world. Specializing in the preparation and curation of fossil materials, I use various techniques, developed through more than 45 years’ experience to save the original authentic permineralized fossil and present spectacular display specimens.
My specimens are stabilized, reinforced and preserved to last for generations. All presented fossils are bona fide, original non-composite remains with minimal restoration worthy of any museum.
– John M. Arnold, Sole Proprietor AKA Wyoming John.


The jaw of this monster was about 54 inches from snout tip to the pterygoid bone in the pallet. It could capture large prey with its powerful jaws.

October 16, 2024 The National Park Service celebrates National Fossil Day every year and today is it for 2024. The NPS celebrates our geologic heritage with an art contest, and

Wyoming John is a Geologist who loves fossils. Museums and serious collectors buy them at the shows and now you can buy them also.